TS Strainers & Filters provides Temporary Basket, Cone and Flat Type Strainers that are designed to be used in situations where a temporary amount of contamination may occur in the line. These strainers are often used in plant start up applications or plant repairs and offer an affordable method of protecting mechanical equipment from dirt, scale or other foreign matter.
Temporary strainers are usually mounted in a pipe spool between two flanges and are ideal for situations where space restrictions are an important consideration. They are available in carbon steel, stainless steel and other alloys depending on the needs of the application.
A standard start up strainer has 1/8" perforation with 150% length. However, temporary strainers can be designed and built to the specific needs of the application. Variables of construction include the specific flange size, desired material, perforation size and mesh requirements.
Download Temporary/ Start Up
Strainers Specification Sheet
TS Strainers & Filters
P.O. Box 842431 Houston, Texas 77084
Phone: 281-304-0080 Fax: 281-966-1565